
Geometry of Light

Creativity and cutting-edge luxury meet at OnHouse Milano, to showacase the new collection of lamps by Contardi

Vienna celebrates Design District

Contardi is once again a privileged partner of Smart Living

Racconti di Luce

Traiano Luce 73 has opened the doors of its historic store in Turin for the event “Racconti di Luce”.

Milan Design Week 2022

Thank you for visiting Milan Design Week 2022!

Contardi at Fuorisalone 2022

Celebrating a dynamic week of product unveilings that reveal our new luminous universe.

Elle Decor all'Aperto

En plein air exhibition “Elle Decor All'Aperto”, curated by Studiopepe, conceived by Elle Decor Italia: from 7 to 10 April 2022 at Palazzo Litta - Milan.
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