The world of Contardi

Contardi at HIX London 2022

Showcasing a curated selection of new lighting designs for the world of hospitality

Geometry of Light

Creativity and cutting-edge luxury meet at OnHouse Milano, to showacase the new collection of lamps by Contardi

Vienna celebrates Design District

Contardi is once again a privileged partner of Smart Living

Racconti di Luce

Traiano Luce 73 has opened the doors of its historic store in Turin for the event “Racconti di Luce”.

Rethink your interior with Contardi

The versatility of Contardi products joins the innovative solutions of the wonderful location of OnHouse

Our Milan Design Week at Casa Casati

A gallery style setting to admire our new creations

Chatting with... MKV Design

MKV Design, a London-based design studio, talks about the new Discus family.

Milan Design Week 2022

Thank you for visiting Milan Design Week 2022!

Creative lights in open air

Contardi adopted the philosophy of taking the indoor outside, maintaining the same product characteristics, without forgetting the intended use.

Contardi at Fuorisalone 2022

Celebrating a dynamic week of product unveilings that reveal our new luminous universe.

Chatting with... Studiopepe

Studiopepe, the renowned duo Chiara di Pinto and Arianna Lelli Mami, has designed the Stick Collection for Contardi.

Chatting with... Alessandro Poli, CEO at Servomuto

Servomuto, a reference brand in the world of lighting, tells its story.
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